The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Ivan Mikhailovich Aliev

Aliev, Ivan Mikhailovich


* 19th of October 1892

† 11th of February 1964

(Иван Михайлович Алиев)


1943-09-25 Major-General


1940-01-XX 1940-02-XX Assistant Commanding Officer, Tactical Training Battalion, Magnitogorsk Reserve Officers' Advanced Training Course
1940-02-XX 1941-02-XX Acting Head of Magnitogorsk Reserve Officers' Advanced Training Course
1941-02-XX 1941-07-XX Chief of Training Section, Political Officers' Course, Ural Military District
1941-07-XX 1941-09-24 Commanding Officer 1068th Rifle Regiment
1941-09-24 1941-10-13 Commanding Officer 321st Rifle Division
1941-10-12 1942-08-19 Commanding Officer 1068th Rifle Regiment
1942-08-19 1944-03-20 Commanding Officer 314th Rifle Division
1944-07-29 1944-10-02 Commanding Officer 268th Rifle Division
1944-10-02 1945-02-07 Commanding Officer CXXIV Rifle Corps
1945-02-09 1945-XX-XX At disposal of the Military Council, 2nd Belorussian Front
1945-XX-XX 1945-03-02 At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1945-03-02 1945-08-18 At disposal of the Military Council, 1st Belorussian Front
1945-08-18 1946-02-XX Head of Infantry Officers' Advanced Training Course, Don Military district
1946-02-XX 1946-06-12 Head of Military Department, Lvov Forrest Institute
1946-06-12 Retired
Picture source:Алиев,_Иван_Михайлович