The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Paul-Hippolyte Arlabosse

Arlabosse, Paul-Hippolyte


* 2nd of April 1886

† 18th of September 1970


1930-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1934-06-24 Colonel
1938-12-23 Brigadier-General
1941-05-20 Major-General
1942-11-20 Lieutenant-General
1944-11-22 Stripped of his rank of Lieutenant-General
1948-08-09 Re-established to the rank of Lieutenant-General


1930-02-26 1933-XX-XX Chief of Staff, Algerian-Moroccan Military Border Command
1934-XX-XX 1935-10-16 Attached to 2nd Moroccan Tirailleurs Regiment
1935-10-16 1937-10-16 Commanding Officer 3rd Moroccan Tirailleurs Regiment
1937-10-16 1940-01-15 Commanding Officer Infantry, 11th Infantry Division
1940-01-15 1940-07-01 General Officer Commanding 11th Infantry Division
1940-07-01 1940-07-10 Commanding Officer Department Bouches-du-Rhône
1940-07-10 1941-11-15 Assistant General Officer Commander in Chief Levant
1941-01-01 1941-11-15 General Officer Commanding Forces at Beyrouth [Lebanon]
1941-11-15 1942-09-01 General Officer Commanding Oran Territorial Division
1942-09-01 1942-11-28 General Officer Commanding 12th Military Division
1942-11-28 Demobilised
1943-09-25 1943-10-14 Member of the Commission in charge of granting rewards of the war 1939-1940
1943-10-14 1944-08-27 Chairman of the Commission in charge of granting rewards of the war 1939-1940
1944-08-27 1945-04-02 At disposal
1945-04-02 Retired