The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Aleksandr Ivanovich Belov

Belov, Aleksandr Ivanovich


* 21st of November 1904

† 8th of April 1944

(Александр Иванович Белов)


1942-11-27 Major-General


1941-07-17 1941-09-17 Commanding Officer 44th Rifle Regiment
1941-09-17 1941-09-29 At disposal of the Military Council, 21st Army
1941-10-03 1942-02-23 Chief of Combat Training Section, 21st Army
1942-02-23 1942-04-15 Commanding Officer 1st Separate Motorised Rifle Brigade
1942-04-15 1942-07-10 Commanding Officer 33rd Separate Motorised Rifle Brigade
1942-07-10 1942-11-17 Commanding Officer 124th Rifle Division
1942-11-17 1943-02-28 Commanding Officer 50th Guards Rifle Division
1943-03-06 1943-04-22 Commanding Officer XXIX Rifle Corps
1943-04-22 1944-03-28 Commanding Officer III Guards Rifle Corps
1944-03-28 1944-04-08 Wounded and hospitalised
1944-04-08 Died of his wounds
Picture source: Courtesy of Anatolii Shishmarev