The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Marshal of Soviet Union Sergei Semenovich Biriuzov

Biriuzov, Sergei Semenovich

Marshal of Soviet Union

* 21st of August 1904

† 19th of October 1964

(Сергей Семенович Бирюзов)


1938-09-04 Colonel
1939-11-04 Kombrig
1940-06-04 Major-General
1943-08-30 Lieutenant-General
1944-05-16 Colonel-General
1953-08-03 Army General
1955-03-11 Marshal of Soviet Union


1937-10-XX 1938-04-XX Chief of Staff, 30th Rifle Division
1938-04-XX 1939-08-16 Chief of Operations Section, Kharkov Military District
1939-08-16 1941-10-15 Commanding Officer 132nd Rifle Division
1941-09-XX 1942-02-17 Wounded and hospitalised
1942-02-17 1942-04-17 Commanding Officer 132nd Rifle Division
1942-05-03 1942-12-04 Chief of Staff, 48th Army
1942-12-08 1943-04-09 Chief of Staff, 2nd Guards Army
1943-04-09 1943-10-20 Chief of Staff, Southern Front
1943-10-20 1944-05-15 Chief of Staff, 4th Ukrainian Front
1944-05-15 1944-10-29 Chief of Staff, 3rd Ukrainian Front
1944-10-29 1946-05-XX Commanding Officer 37th Army
1944-10-XX 1946-XX-XX Head of the Soviet Military Mission to Bulgaria
1944-10-XX 1946-XX-XX Chairman of the Soviet Control Commission in Bulgaria
1946-XX-XX 1947-06-XX Deputy Commander in Chief Southern Group of Forces
1946-08-05 1947-06-15 Commanding Officer 19th Mechanised Army
1947-06-03 1953-04-23 Commander in Chief Primorsk Military District
1953-05-14 1954-05-31 Commander in Chief Central Group of Forces
1954-XX-XX 1955-XX-XX First Deputy Commander in Chief of Air Defence Forces
1955-04-14 1962-04-24 Commander in Chief of Air Defence Forces
1955-XX-XX 1963-XX-XX Deputy Minister of Defence
1962-04-24 1963-03-05 Commander in Chief of Strategic Missile Forces
1963-03-07 1964-10-19 Chief of the General Staff
1963-XX-XX 1964-10-19 First Deputy Minister of Defence
1964-10-19 Died in an Air plane crash
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