The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Roger-Charles-André-Henri Blaizot

Blaizot, Roger-Charles-André-Henri


* 17th of May 1895

† 21st of March 1981


1933-09-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-03-24 Colonel
1941-02-20 Brigadier-General
1942-08-20 Major-General
1943-12-29 Lieutenant-General (Dated back to 1943-11-10)


1933-01-01 1935-03-01 Special Staff Officer, 1st Bureau, 8th Directorate, Ministry of War
1935-03-01 1936-02-01 Head of 1st Bureau, 8th Directorate, Ministry of War
1936-02-27 Member of the Joint Ministerial Commission of Muslims Affairs
1936-02-01 Attached to 23rd Colonial Infantry Regiment
1936-XX-XX 1937-XX-XX Chief of Staff, Indochina
1939-XX-XX 1939-11-15 Commanding Officer 4th Senegalese Tirailleurs Regiment
1939-11-15 1939-11-19 At disposal of the Ministry of War
1939-11-19 1940-05-28 Chief of Staff, Inspectorate-General of Colonial Formations in France
1940-05-28 1940-06-08 Commanding Officer Infantry, 2nd Colonial Infantry Division
1940-06-08 1940-07-12 Commanding Officer Infantry, 2nd Light Colonial Infantry Division
1940-07-12 1940-08-20 Attached to the General Staff of Colonial Troops
1940-08-20 1942-07-20 Director of Colonial Troops, Secretariat of State for War
1942-07-20 1942-11-06 Commanding Officer Land Forces, Dakar Strong-point
1942-11-06 1942-12-12 Commanding Officer Land Forces Group, Dakar Coastal Defence Sector
1942-12-12 1943-06-02 Adjutant-General of the Colonies
1943-06-02 1943-08-24 General Officer Commanding 1st Motorised Colonial Division
1943-08-24 1943-09-08 General Officer Commanding 9th Colonial Infantry Division
1943-09-08 1943-09-20 Head of the French Military Mission to India
1943-09-20 1945-08-16 General Officer Commanding French Far Eastern Forces
1944-10-06 1945-08-16 Head of the French Military Mission, South-East Asia Command
1945-08-16 1948-04-22 At disposal
1948-04-22 1949-09-02 Commander in Chief Far East
1948-06-12 1949-09-02 Assistant High-Commissioner in Indochina
1949-09-05 1950-05-17 On mission for the Minister of France Overseas
1950-05-17 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Anonymous