The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Pierre-Paul Bonnefond

Bonnefond, Pierre-Paul


* 5th of May 1887

† 18th of October 1947


1933-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-12-25 Colonel
1942-05-20 Brigadier-General


1933-10-20 1938-02-07 Staff Officer, 5th Military Region
1938-02-07 1939-12-15 Commanding Officer 107th Infantry Regiment
1939-12-15 1939-12-26 Chief of Staff, Jura Corps
1939-12-26 1940-07-16 Deputy Chief of Staff, 2nd Army Group
1940-07-16 1940-08-20 At disposal of 17th Military Region
1940-08-20 1943-12-03 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Oran [Algeria]
1940-11-01 1943-12-03 Commanding Officer 2nd Algerian Infantry Brigade
1943-12-03 1944-02-28 General Officer Commanding Territorial Division Constantine [Algeria]
1944-02-28 1944-12-01 President of the Higher Commission for Deferred Appeals & Special Assignments
1944-12-01 Retired