The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of General of Infantry Theodor Busse

Busse, Theodor

General of Infantry

* 15th of December 1897

† 21st of October 1986


1939-04-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-08-01 Colonel
1943-03-01 Major-General
1943-09-01 Lieutenant-General
1944-11-09 General of Infantry


1939-03-01 1940-10-25 Attached to the Army High Command OKH
1940-10-25 1942-11-09 Chief of Operations (Ia), 11th Army [Eastern Front]
1942-11-09 1943-02-12 Chief of Operations (Ia), Army Group Don [Eastern Front]
1943-02-12 1943-03-01 Chief of Operations (Ia), Army Group South [Eastern Front]
1943-03-01 1944-03-31 Chief of Staff, Army Group South [Eastern Front]
1944-03-31 1944-07-15 Chief of Staff, Army Group North Ukraine [Eastern Front]
1944-07-15 1944-07-29 Unemployed
1944-07-29 1944-09-01 General Officer Commanding 121st Infantry Division
1944-09-01 1944-11-09 Acting General Officer Commanding I Corps
1944-11-09 1945-01-19 General Officer Commanding I Corps
1945-01-19 1945-07-XX Acting General Officer Commanding 9th Army
1945-07-XX 1947-12-12 Prisoner of War
1945-12-12 Released
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