The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Major-General Antonio Calierno

Calierno, Antonio


* 21st of September 1884

† 3rd of January 1960


1937-07-01 Brigadier-General
1940-07-01 Major-General


Commanding Officer 46th Infantry Regiment "Reggio"
1938-XX-XX Attached to the Ministry of Italian Africa
Acting General Officer Commanding 65th Infantry Division "Granatieri di Savoia"
1940-07-16 Attached to the Ministry of Italian Africa
1940-07-16 1941-11-15 Attached to Torino Territorial Defence Command
1941-11-15 1942-12-01 General Officer Commanding 207th Coastal Division
1942-12-01 1943-XX-XX Attached to Milano Territorial Defence Command