The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General John Scott Crawford

Crawford, John Scott


* 6th of February 1889

† 4th of June 1978

(Royal Army Ordnance Corps)


1933-01-20 Local Colonel
1934-07-01 Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-01-28 Lieutenant-Colonel
1938-07-01 Brevet Colonel (Dated back to 1937-07-01)
1938-07-01 Colonel (Dated back to 1937-07-01)
1939-02-20 Temporary Brigadier
1940-07-01 Acting Major-General
1941-07-01 Temporary Major-General
1943-08-03 Major-General


1932-12-19 1935-08-21 Deputy Assistant Director of Mechanization, War Office
1935-08-22 1939-02-20 Assistant Director of Mechanization, War Office
1939-02-20 1939-10-05 Deputy Director of Mechanization, War Office
1939-10-06 1941-09-02 Deputy Director-General of Mechanization, Ministry of Supply
1941-09-03 1943-09-14 Deputy Director-General of Tanks Supply, Ministry of Supply
1943-09-15 1945-XX-XX Deputy Director-General of Weapons Production, Ministry of Supply
1946-02-06 Retired, but remain employed
1946-05-27 Retired
1947-07-03 1952-07-23 Honorary Colonel, 44th Infantry Division, Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers, Territorial Army
Picture source: Courtesy of Paul Godley