The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Douglas Povah Dickinson

Dickinson, Douglas Povah


* 6th of November 1886

† 8th of January 1949

(Welch Regiment)


1925-10-01 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1928-07-01 Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel
1932-01-01 Brevet Colonel (Dated back to 1931-01-01)
1934-11-22 Lieutenant-Colonel
1936-08-28 Colonel (Dated back to 1931-01-01)
1936-10-01 Local Brigadier
1939-01-28 Temporary Brigadier
1939-07-01 Major-General (Dated back to 1938-05-23)
1940-08-21 Acting Lieutenant-General
1940-11-26 Relinquish the acting rank of Lieutenant-General


1925-10-01 1928-09-30 Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General Staff College Camberley
1930-12-12 1932-10-02 Inspector Iraq Army in Kurdistan
1932-10-03 1932-12-11 Inspector with British Military Mission attached to the Iraq Army
1934-11-22 1936-08-26 Commanding Officer 1st Battalion, Welch Regiment
1936-08-26 1939-06-30 Commandant of The Nigeria Regiment
1939-07-01 1939-09-01 Inspector-General of African Colonial Forces
1939-09-01 1940-11-25 General Officer Commanding East Africa Force
1940-11-26 1941-01-06 Unemployed
1941-01-07 1944-06-12 Chief Administration Officer, Western Command
1941-01-17 1949-01-08 Colonel, Welch Regiment
1944-06-12 Retired
Picture source: NPG x167187, National Portrait Gallery, London