The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Brigade-Commissar Andrei Iakovlevich Dushak

Dushak, Andrei Iakovlevich


* October 1899

† 14th of June 1938

(Андрей Яковлевич Душак)


1936-05-25 Brigade-Commissar


1933-09-XX 1936-05-XX Head of the State Military Publishing House
1936-05-XX 1937-12-29 Deputy Head of Military Publishing Directorate
1937-12-29 1938-06-14 Arrested
1938-06-14 Condemned to death
1938-06-14 Executed
1957-06-04 Rehabilitated
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko