The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of General of Infantry Hans-Gustav Felber

Felber, Hans-Gustav

General of Infantry

* 8th of July 1889

† 8th of March 1962


1932-04-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1934-07-01 Colonel
1937-10-01 Major-General
1939-10-01 Lieutenant-General
1940-08-01 General of Infantry


1932-04-01 1932-10-01 Attached to 4th Infantry Divisional
1932-10-01 1933-02-01 Attached to 1st Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment
1933-02-01 1934-08-01 Commanding Officer 1st Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment
1934-08-01 1935-05-01 Officer for Special Employment with the Chief of the Army command
1935-05-01 1935-07-01 Commandant of the War Academy
1935-07-01 1938-04-01 Chief of Staff, III Corps
1938-04-01 1939-08-26 Chief of Staff, Group Command 3
1939-08-26 1940-02-15 Chief of Staff, 2nd Army
1940-02-15 1940-10-25 Chief of Staff, Army Group C
1940-10-25 1942-01-14 General Officer Commanding XIII Corps [Eastern Front]
1942-01-14 1942-04-01 Unemployed
1942-04-01 1942-05-25 General Officer Commanding XXXXV Higher Command for Special Employment [France]
1942-05-21 1943-08-15 Commander in Chief Army Groupment Felber [France]
1942-05-25 1943-08-15 General Officer Commanding LXXXIII Corps [France]
1943-08-15 1944-09-26 Military Commander South East [Yugoslavia]
1943-08-15 1944-09-26 Military Commander Serbia [Yugoslavia]
1944-09-26 1944-10-06 General Officer Commanding Army Detachment Serbien [Yugoslavia]
1944-10-06 1945-01-19 General Officer Commanding Corps Group Felber [France]
1945-01-19 1945-02-22 General Officer Commanding XIII Corps
1945-02-22 1945-03-26 Acting General Officer Commanding 7th Army
1945-03-26 1945-05-08 Unemployed
1945-05-08 1948-05-08 Prisoner of War, US Captivity
1948-05-08 Released
Picture source: BArch PERS 6/299629