The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Aleksei Romanovich Gnechko

Gnechko, Aleksei Romanovich


* 23rd of February 1900

† 7th of April 1980

(Алексей Романович Гнечко)


1941-12-08 Major-General
1945-09-08 Lieutenant-General


1939-02-XX 1940-07-XX Chief of 2nd Section, 2nd Red Banner Army
1940-07-XX 1941-01-XX Chief of 2nd section, 1st Red Banner Army
1941-01-XX 1941-07-09 Chief of Combat Training Section, 1st Red Banner Army
1941-07-09 1942-01-09 Commanding Officer 59th Rifle Division
1942-01-10 1944-12-22 Commanding Officer XXVI Rifle Corps
1944-12-22 1945-12-05 Commanding Officer Kamchatka Fortified Region
1945-12-05 1950-05-XX Commanding Officer CXXXVII Rifle Corps
1950-05-XX 1951-07-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1951-07-XX 1955-02-XX Assistant Commander in Chief for Combat Training, Western Siberian Military District
1951-07-XX 1955-02-XX Chief of Combat Training Section, Western Siberian Military District
1955-02-XX 1955-05-XX Senior Military Adviser to the Chinese People's Liberation Army
1959-05-19 Retired
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