The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Joseph-Louis-François Hassler

Hassler, Joseph-Louis-François


* 10th of April 1881

† 4th of November 1966


1929-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1934-03-25 Colonel
1937-12-22 Brigadier-General
1940-08-24 Major-General


Commanding Officer 5th Infantry Regiment
Commanding Officer 160th Infantry Regiment
1935-10-XX 1939-09-XX Commandant of L'École Militaire d'Infanterie et de Chars des Combat
1939-09-02 1940-04-15 General Officer Commanding 22nd Infantry Division
1940-04-15 1940-XX-XX Assistant Military-Governor of Paris
1940-07-30 1940-08-09 Commanding Officer Department Var
1940-08-24 Retired
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