The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of Colonel-General Walter Heitz

Heitz, Walter


* 8th of December 1878

† 9th of February 1944


1927-11-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1930-02-01 Colonel
1933-02-01 Major-General
1934-10-01 Lieutenant-General
1937-04-01 General of Artillery
1943-01-30 Colonel-General


1927-02-01 1929-XX-XX Commanding Officer 1st Battalion, Artillery Regiment Königsberg
1929-XX-XX 1930-XX-XX Commandant of Artillery Firing School
1931-02-01 1936-08-01 Commandant of Königsberg
1936-08-01 1939-09-11 President of Reich Military Tribunal
1939-09-11 1939-10-23 Commandant of Danzig
1939-10-25 1943-01-31 General Officer Commanding VIII Corps [Belgium - France - Eastern Front]
1941-03-06 1941-03-09 Temporary General Officer Commanding 9th Army
1941-11-04 1942-03-10 Temporary General Officer Commanding 15th Army
1943-01-31 1944-02-09 Prisoner of War, Soviet Captivity
1944-02-09 Died in Captivity
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