The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of Colonel-General Karl Adolf Hollidt

Hollidt, Karl Adolf


* 28th of April 1891

† 22nd of May 1985


1932-02-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1935-01-01 Colonel
1938-04-01 Major-General
1940-04-01 Lieutenant-General
1942-02-01 General of Infantry
1943-09-01 Colonel-General


1931-10-01 1933-12-01 Attached to 5th Infantry Division
1933-12-01 1934-10-01 Commanding Officer 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment
1934-10-01 1935-03-15 Commanding Officer 1st Battalion, Infantry Regiment Halberstadt
1935-03-15 1935-10-15 Chief of Staff, Military District I
1935-10-15 1938-11-10 Chief of Staff, I Corps
1938-11-10 1939-08-26 Infantry Commander 9
1939-08-26 1939-09-07 General Officer Commanding 52nd Infantry Division
1939-10-13 1939-10-23 Chief of Staff, 5th Army
1939-10-13 1939-10-23 Chief of Staff Frontier Sector Center [Poland]
1939-10-23 1940-04-15 Chief of Staff to Commander in Chief East [Poland]
1940-05-15 1940-10-25 Chief of Staff, 9th Army
1940-10-23 1942-01-23 General Officer Commanding 50th Infantry Division
1942-01-23 1942-04-02 General Officer Commanding XVII Corps
1942-04-02 1942-06-12 On leave
1942-06-12 1942-11-23 General Officer Commanding XVII Corps
1942-11-23 1942-11-29 General Officer Commanding Army Detachment Hollidt [Eastern Front]
1942-11-29 1942-12-27 General Officer Commanding Attack Group Hollidt [Eastern Front]
1942-12-27 1943-01-23 Commander in Chief Army Groupment Hollidt [Eastern Front]
1943-01-23 1943-03-06 General Officer Commanding Army Detachment Hollidt [Eastern Front]
1943-03-06 1943-11-22 General Officer Commanding 6th Army [Eastern Front]
1943-11-22 1944-04-20 On sick leave
1944-04-20 1945-02-20 Unemployed
1945-02-20 1945-04-17 At disposal of the Director of the Party Chancellery
1945-04-17 1948-12-22 Prisoner of War, US Captivity
1948-12-22 Released
Picture source: BArch PERS 6/299895