The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Rinpei Katō

Katō, Rinpei


* 25th of January 1891

† 4th of July 1974


(かとう りんぺい)


1937-03-01 Colonel
1939-08-01 Major-General
1942-08-01 Lieutenant-General


1934-08-01 1936-12-01 Chief of Railroad Branch, 8th Section (Transport), 3rd Section, General Staff
1936-12-01 1938-07-15 Chief of 8th Section (Transport), 3rd Section, General Staff
1938-07-15 1938-08-01 Commanding Officer 68th Infantry Regiment
1938-08-01 1938-09-07 Attached to Chosen Army Headquarters [Korea]
1939-09-07 1941-03-01 Chief of Staff, Chosen Army [Korea]
1941-03-01 1941-06-28 Chief of Staff, Southern China Area Army
1941-06-28 1941-09-15 Chief of Staff, 23rd Army
1941-09-15 1942-11-09 Head of 3rd Section, General Staff
1942-11-09 1945-09-XX Chief of Staff, 8th Area Army [New Britain]
1947-10-XX Retired
1949-12-XX Condemned to 18 years imprisonment as a war criminal
1954-12-XX Released
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