The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Dmitrii Anatolevich Kovalenko

Kovalenko, Dmitrii Anatolevich


* 21st of September 1896

† 13th of January 1991

(Дмитрий Анатольевич Коваленко)


1936-02-17 Colonel
1943-12-20 Major-General


1932-12-03 1935-10-05 Commanding Officer 14th Turkestan Mountain Rifle Regiment
1935-10-05 1938-06-20 Commanding Officer 315th Rifle Regiment
1938-06-20 1940-06-07 Arrested
1940-06-07 Released
1940-08-XX 1940-12-XX Chief of Tactics Section, Alma-Ata Rifle & Machine-Gun school
1940-12-XX 1941-08-XX Chief of Training Section, Alma-Ata Rifle & Machine-Gun school
1941-08-28 1942-03-08 Commanding Officer 391st Rifle Division
1942-03-08 1942-09-12 Wounded and hospitalised
1942-09-12 1942-10-XX Deputy Commanding Officer LVIII Rifle Corps
1942-10-XX 1943-04-11 Commanding Officer 83rd Mountain Rifle Division
1943-04-11 1943-06-XX Commanding Officer 93rd Separate Rifle Brigade
1943-06-XX 1944-02-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1944-02-17 1944-02-XX Commanding Officer 6th Reserve Rifle Brigade
1944-06-XX 1945-10-XX Commanding Officer 6th Reserve Rifle Division
1945-10-XX 1951-01-XX Deputy Commanding Officer XIV Guards Rifle Corps
1951-01-XX 1953-06-XX Head of the Military Department, Dnepropetrovsk State University
1953-06-08 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko