The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Komkor Eduard Davydovich Lepin

Lepin, Eduard Davydovich


* March 1889

† 22nd of August 1938

(Эдуард Давыдович Лепин)


1935-11-26 Komkor


1922-08-XX 1923-09-XX Commanding Officer 26th Rifle Division
1922-08-XX 1923-09-XX Military Commissar, 26th Rifle Division
1923-09-XX 1923-XX-XX Acting Commanding Officer XII Rifle Corps
1923-XX-XX 1925-11-XX Commanding Officer 35th Rifle Division
1925-11-XX 1930-07-XX Commanding Officer XIII Rifle Corps
1925-11-XX 1930-07-XX Military, XIII Rifle Corps
1930-07-XX 1931-01-XX Commanding Officer I Rifle Corps
1930-07-XX 1931-01-XX Commanding Officer I Rifle Corps
1931-01-XX 1932-02-XX Military Attaché to Finland
1932-02-XX 1933-10-XX Military Attaché to Poland
1934-03-XX 1937-10-XX Military Attaché to China
1937-12-02 1938-08-22 Arrested
1938-08-22 Condemned to death
1938-08-22 Executed
1956-09-08 Rehabilitated
Picture source:Лепин,_Эдуард_Давыдович