The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Kenneth Morley Loch

Loch, Kenneth Morley


* 19th of September 1890

† 9th of January 1961

(Royal Artillery)


1932-01-01 Local Lieutenant-Colonel
1932-07-01 Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-04-01 Colonel (Dated back to 1935-07-01)
1938-06-03 Local Brigadier
1939-11-25 Acting Major-General
1940-11-25 Temporary Major-General
1941-09-18 Major-General
1944-05-29 Acting Lieutenant-General
1945-05-29 Temporary Lieutenant-General
1947-07-29 Granted the Honorary rank of Lieutenant-General


1932-01-01 1935-10-31 Instructor at Staff College Quetta [India]
1935-12-20 1937-03-31 General Staff Officer 2, War Office
1937-04-01 1938-06-02 General Staff Officer 1, Fighter Command RAF
1938-06-03 1939-11-24 Special Employment, War Office
1939-11-25 1941-11-30 Director of Anti-Aircraft & Coast Defence, War Office
1941-02-01 1942-09-01 Special Employment
1943-01-12 1943-02-19 Special Employment
1943-05-03 1944-05-28 Deputy Master-General of the Ordnance, Army Headquarters India
1944-05-29 1947-XX-XX Deputy Master-General of the Ordnance, Army Headquarters India
1947-07-29 Retired
Picture source: NPG x168997, National Portrait Gallery, London