The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Geoffrey Lucas

Lucas, Geoffrey


* 19th of October 1904

† 12th of December 1982

(Royal Tank Corps)


1941-05-20 Acting Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-08-20 War Substantive Major
1941-08-20 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-09-30 Acting Colonel
1943-01-18 Acting Brigadier
1943-03-30 War Substantive Lieutenant-Colonel
1943-03-30 Temporary Colonel
1943-07-11 Major
1943-07-18 Temporary Brigadier
1947-02-21 Relinquish the Temporary rank of Brigadier
1947-02-21 Relinquish the Temporary rank of Colonel
1947-03-02 Temporary Colonel
1947-07-11 Temporary Brigadier
1948-06-02 Colonel (Dated back to 1946-03-30)
1953-01-01 Brigadier
1958-03-18 Granted the Honorary rank of Major-General


1941-05-20 1942-09-29 Assistant Adjutant & Quartermaster-General, ?
1942-09-30 1943-01-17 Colonel (Training), Home Forces
1943-01-18 1945-05-22 Deputy Adjutant & Quartermaster-General, VIII Corps
1945-07-12 1946-08-06 Director of Army Welfare Services, ?
1946-08-07 1946-12-21 Chief Administration Officer, ?
1947-03-02 1947-06-22 Chief Administration Officer, ?
1947-07-11 1950-04-23 Deputy Quartermaster-General, British Army of the Rhine [Germany]
1950-06-24 1953-04-01 Deputy Director of Personnel Administration, War Office
1953-09-01 1956-XX-XX Deputy Commandant of Gibraltar Fortress
1953-09-01 1956-XX-XX Chief Administration Officer, Gibraltar Fortress
1956-XX-XX Chief Administration Officer Suez Operations
1957-08-10 Chief Administration Officer, Far East Land Forces
1958-03-18 Retired