The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of General of Infantry Friedrich-Wilhelm Müller

Müller, Friedrich-Wilhelm

General of Infantry

* 29th of August 1897

† 20th of May 1947


1939-05-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-01-01 Colonel (Seniority from 1941-10-01)
1942-08-01 Major-General (Seniority from 1942-09-01)
1943-04-01 Lieutenant-General
1944-07-01 General of Infantry


1938-11-10 1940-11-15 Commanding Officer 3rd Battalion, 105th Infantry Regiment
1940-11-15 1940-12-30 Commanding Officer 1st Battalion, 697th Infantry Regiment
1940-12-30 1942-08-01 Commanding Officer 105th Infantry Regiment
1942-08-01 1942-09-01 Acting General Officer Commanding 22nd Infantry Division
1942-09-01 1944-03-15 General Officer Commanding 22nd Infantry Division
1944-03-15 1944-04-08 Unemployed
1944-04-08 1944-04-12 Attached to Army Personnel Office, Army High Command
1944-04-12 1944-04-21 At disposal of Army Group North Ukraine
1944-04-21 1944-05-08 Acting General Officer Commanding LIX Corps
1944-05-08 1944-06-02 Acting General Officer Commanding V Corps
1944-06-02 1944-06-10 Acting General Officer Commanding LIX Corps
1944-06-10 1944-07-01 Unemployed
1944-07-01 1944-09-18 Commandant of Fortress Crete
1944-09-18 1944-11-18 Military Commander Macedonia
1944-11-18 1944-12-01 General Officer Commanding XXXIV Corps
1944-12-01 1945-01-27 General Officer Commanding LXVIII Corps
1945-01-27 1945-01-29 Unemployed
1945-01-29 1945-05-08 General Officer Commanding 4th Army [Eastern Front]
1945-XX-XX 1947-XX-XX Prisoner of War
1946-12-09 Condemned to death by a Greek Military Court as war criminal
1947-05-20 Executed
Picture source: BArch PERS 6/300262