The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Mitrofan Ilich Matveev

Matveev, Mitrofan Ilich


* 7th of August 1900

† 21st of February 1972

(Митрофан Ильич Матвеев)


1945-07-11 Major-General


1940-08-XX 1941-07-XX Chief of Staff, 160th Rifle Division
1941-07-XX 1941-12-XX Chief of Staff, 252nd Rifle Division
1941-12-01 1942-07-24 Commanding Officer 162nd Rifle Division
1942-07-26 1943-04-04 Commanding Officer 333rd Rifle Division
1943-04-XX 1943-07-XX Commanding Officer 253rd Cadet Rifle Brigade
1943-08-02 1943-11-24 Commanding Officer 297th Rifle Division
1943-12-XX 1944-08-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 28th Guards Rifle Division
1944-08-XX 1950-07-XX Commanding Officer 92nd Guards Rifle Division
1950-07-XX Chief of 10th Section, Main Combat & Physical Training Directorate
Chief of 8th Section, Main Combat & Physical Training Directorate
1954-04-XX Chief of 6th Section, Main Combat & Physical Training Directorate
1954-04-XX Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko