The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Kondrat Semenovich Melnik

Melnik, Kondrat Semenovich


* 25th of March 1900

† 3rd of May 1971

(Кондрат Семенович Мельник)


1937-06-14 Kombrig
1942-01-10 Major-General
1943-04-28 Lieutenant-General


1933-03-XX 1935-04-XX Chief of Staff, 4th Separate Cavalry Brigade
1935-04-XX 1937-07-XX Chief of Staff, 16th Separate Cavalry Division
1937-07-XX 1937-12-XX Commanding Officer 30th Cavalry Division
1937-12-XX 1938-07-XX Commandant of Leningrad
1938-07-XX 1938-09-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, Far Eastern Front
1938-09-XX 1939-07-XX Chief of Staff, 2nd Special Red Banner Far Eastern Army
1939-07-XX 1941-07-XX Senior Instructor at Frunze Military Academy
1941-07-XX 1941-11-26 Commanding Officer 53rd Cavalry Division
1941-11-26 1942-03-19 Commanding Officer 4th Guards Cavalry Division
1942-03-19 1942-10-15 Commanding Officer XV Cavalry Corps
1942-10-12 1942-11-25 Commanding Officer 44th Army
1942-11-25 1943-10-17 Commanding Officer 58th Army
1943-10-18 1943-11-20 Commanding Officer 56th Army
1943-11-XX 1944-04-15 Deputy Commanding Officer Coastal Army
1944-04-15 1945-07-31 Commanding Officer Coastal Army
1945-07-09 1946-06-03 Commander in Chief Taurian Military District
1946-06-XX 1947-02-XX Deputy Commander in Chief Taurian Military District
1947-02-XX 1951-12-XX First Deputy Commander in Chief Taurian Military District
1947-02-XX 1951-12-XX Chief of Staff, Taurian Military District
1951-12-XX 1952-03-XX At disposal of the 10th Directorate, General Staff
1952-03-XX 1953-10-XX Chief Military Adviser to the Romanian Army
1952-03-XX 1953-10-XX Military Attaché to Romania
1953-10-XX 1958-03-XX Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee, Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Air Force & Navy
1958-03-XX 1958-06-XX At disposal of the Ministry of Defence
1958-06-XX 1961-04-XX Head of Non-Military Training Directorate
1961-04-XX Retired
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