The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Aviation Aleksandr Petrovich Nekrasov

Nekrasov, Aleksandr Petrovich

Major-General of Aviation

* 12th of July 1895

† 4th of February 1971

(Александр Петрович Некрасов)


1940-04-26 Kombrig
1940-06-04 Major-General of Aviation


1939-XX-XX 1940-XX-XX Instructor at the Air Force Engineering Academy
1940-XX-XX Instructor at the Air Force Academy
1941-XX-XX Chief of Staff, Air Forces, Leningrad Military District
1941-XX-XX Chief of Staff, Air Forces, Northern Front
1941-08-05 1942-03-05 Commanding Officer Air Forces, 42nd Army
1942-03-05 1943-02-XX Commanding Officer Air Forces, 55th Army
1943-02-XX 1945-04-24 Senior Assistant Inspector-General of the Air Force
1945-04-24 1946-09-05 Senior Instructor at the Air Force Academy
1946-09-05 Retired