The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Ivan Mikhailovich Nekrasov

Nekrasov, Ivan Mikhailovich


* 14th of May 1892

† 17th of October 1964

(Иван Михайлович Некрасов)


1943-09-15 Major-General


1941-04-XX 1941-11-XX Commanding Officer 586th Rifle Regiment
1941-11-XX 1941-12-XX Commanding Officer 43rd Rifle Brigade
1941-12-XX 1942-03-XX Wounded and hospitalised
1942-03-XX 1942-11-14 Senior Staff Officer, 21st Army
1942-11-14 1943-05-XX Wounded and hospitalised
1943-05-09 1943-12-07 Commanding Officer 52nd Guards Rifle Division
1943-12-07 1944-02-15 Commanding Officer 146th Rifle Division
1944-02-15 1944-10-10 Commanding Officer 46th Guards Rifle Division
1944-10-10 1946-09-XX Commanding Officer 68th Guards Rifle Division
1946-09-XX Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin