The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Gavriil Markelovich Nemudrov

Nemudrov, Gavriil Markelovich


* 25th of June 1896

† 6th of January 1945

(Гавриил Маркелович Немудров)


1942-11-17 Major-General


1938-11-XX 1939-11-XX Instructor at Frunze Military Academy
1939-11-XX 1941-04-XX Head of Commanders' Staff Course, Higher Military School of Staff Service
1941-04-XX 1941-07-XX Instructor at the Military Law Academy
1941-07-XX 1941-10-15 Acting Head of Tactics Department, Military Law Academy
1941-10-15 1941-11-XX Chief of Formation Group, 61st Army
1941-11-XX 1941-12-14 Chief of Combat Training Section, 10th Reserve Army
1941-12-14 1942-02-24 Commanding Officer 326th Rifle Division
1942-02-24 1942-03-20 Commanding Officer 385th Rifle Division
1943-03-XX 1943-05-08 Commanding Officer 28th Separate Rifle Brigade
1943-05-08 1943-11-XX Commanding Officer 174th Rifle Division
1943-11-XX 1945-01-06 Head of Advanced Training Course, Military Law Academy
1945-01-06 Died of Illness
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin