The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Artillery Aleksei Aleksandrovich Osipov

Osipov, Aleksei Aleksandrovich

Major-General of Artillery

* 12th of March 1898

† 27th of January 1978

(Алексей Александрович Осипов)


1935-11-26 Kombrig
1940-06-04 Major-General of Artillery


1931-11-XX 1935-02-XX Commanding Officer 3rd Air Defence Regiment
1935-02-XX 1938-04-XX Commanding Officer 3rd Separate Air Defence Brigade
1938-04-XX 1938-12-XX At disposal of the Command & Staff Directorate
1938-12-XX 1939-07-XX Senior Instructor at Frunze Military Academy
1939-07-XX 1940-08-08 Head of Air Defence Equipment Department, Frunze Military Academy
1940-08-08 1941-02-XX Deputy Inspector-General of Artillery
1941-02-XX 1941-07-19 Deputy Head of Main Air Defence Directorate
1941-07-19 1941-11-09 Acting Head of Main Air Defence Directorate
1941-11-09 1942-04-XX Head of Main Air Defence Directorate
1941-11-09 1942-04-XX Deputy Commander in Chief of Air Defence Forces
1942-04-XX 1943-06-XX Commanding Officer Gorkii Air Defence Division Area
1943-06-XX 1946-08-15 Commandant of the Senior Air Defence Officers' School
1946-09-XX 1951-07-XX Chief of Military Schools Section, Anti-Aircraft Artillery Directorate, Air Defence Forces
1951-07-XX 1955-11-16 Head of Military Schools Directorate, Air Defence Forces
1955-11-16 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko