The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Brigadier-General Azzo Passalacqua

Passalacqua, Azzo


* 2nd of July 1885

† 7th of September 1967


1939-10-01 Unemployed
1939-10-01 1939-10-31 Attached to Celere Corps
1939-10-31 Unemployed
1941-04-01 1941-08-01 Commanding Officer 4th Coastal Brigade Sector
1941-08-01 1941-11-15 Commanding Officer 8th Coastal Brigade Sector
1941-11-15 1941-12-01 Attached to XII Corps
1941-12-01 1942-XX-XX Commanding Officer Catania Harbour Defences
1942-03-06 1942-03-15 Acting General Officer Commanding 213th Coastal Division