The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Division-Commissar Efim Tarasovich Pozhidaev

Pozhidaev, Efim Tarasovich


* 1901

† 1968

(Ефим Тарасович Пожидаев)


1938-12-26 Brigade-Commissar
1939-03-09 Division-Commissar
1942-04-XX Demoted to Regiment-Commissar for hard drinking and moral degradation


1938-XX-XX 1939-XX-XX Chief of the Political Section, Kiev Special Military District
1940-XX-XX Chief of the Political Section, Kiev Special Military District
1941-04-26 1941-08-26 Chief of the Political Section, Northern Front
1941-12-30 1942-04-19 Member of the Military Council, 6th Army
1942-XX-XX Political Inspector, ? Army
1943-XX-XX Political Representative of 1st Ukrainian Front to LI Rifle Corps