The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Viktor Genrikhovich Pozniak

Pozniak, Viktor Genrikhovich


* 26th of April 1901

† 12th of August 1983

(Виктор Генрихович Позняк)


1943-02-22 Major-General
1945-04-20 Lieutenant-General


1935-01-XX 1936-02-XX Commanding Officer 1st Kazan Rifle Regiment
1936-02-XX 1937-09-XX Chief of Staff, 30th Cavalry Division
1937-09-XX 1938-06-XX Senior Instructor at the Infantry Commanders' Advanced Training Course 'Vystrel'
1938-06-XX 1939-04-XX Arrested
1939-05-XX 1941-04-XX Instructor at Frunze Military Academy
1941-04-XX 1941-10-XX Senior Instructor at Frunze Military Academy
1941-10-XX 1942-02-XX Commanding Officer 39th Cadet Rifle Brigade
1942-02-XX 1943-02-XX Commanding Officer 360th Rifle Division
1943-02-15 1943-08-17 Chief of Staff, 43rd Army
1943-08-19 1944-04-10 Commanding Officer V Guards Rifle Corps
1944-04-10 1945-07-18 Commanding Officer LXXVII Rifle Corps
1945-07-18 1946-02-XX Commanding Officer XXIX Guards Rifle Corps
1946-02-XX 1946-06-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 8th Guards Army
1946-06-XX 1946-11-XX Assistant Inspector-General of Infantry, Main Inspection, Ground Forces
1946-11-XX 1948-04-XX Chief of Combat & Physical Training Section, Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany
1948-04-XX 1966-07-XX Senior Instructor at the Military Academy of the General Staff
1966-07-XX Retired
Picture source:Позняк-.jpg