The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Artillery Sergei Evgenevich Prokhorov

Prokhorov, Sergei Evgenevich

Major-General of Artillery

* 11th of September 1899

† 1967

(Сергей Евгеньевич Прохоров)


1938-02-22 Kombrig
1940-06-04 Major-General of Artillery


1931-05-10 1932-XX-XX Commanding Officer 2nd Air Defence Regiment
1932-XX-XX 1937-05-XX Commanding Officer Air Defence Forces Assembly Camps
1937-05-XX 1941-05-09 Commanding Officer 4th Separate Air Defence Brigade
1941-05-09 1942-08-30 Commanding Officer Luga Air Defence Brigade Area
1942-08-30 1943-07-XX Commanding Officer Ladoga Lake Air Defence Division Area
1943-07-XX 1944-12-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Air Defence, Artillery, Leningrad Front
1944-12-XX 1945-02-17 Commanding Officer Artillery, Central Air Defence Front
1945-02-17 1945-12-XX Deputy Commander in Chief Central Air Defence Front
1945-02-17 1945-12-XX Commanding Officer Moscow Section, Central Air Defence Front
1945-12-XX 1949-08-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Air Defence, Artillery, Leningrad Military District
1949-08-XX 1954-03-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Anti-Aircraft Artillery, Artillery, Leningrad Military District
1954-03-XX 1955-08-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Anti-Aircraft Artillery, Artillery, Central Group of Forces
1955-08-XX 1956-01-XX At disposal of the Personnel Directorate, Ground Forces
1956-01-XX 1957-02-XX At disposal of the 10th Directorate, General Staff
1957-02-XX Retired
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