The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Petr Stepanovich Pshennikov

Pshennikov, Petr Stepanovich


* 11th of February 1895

† 28th of December 1941

(Петр Степанович Пшенников)


1939-11-04 Kombrig
1940-04-01 Komdiv
1940-06-04 Lieutenant-General


1921-05-XX 1922-06-XX Commanding Officer 5th Rifle Brigade
1922-06-XX 1923-03-XX Commanding Officer 5th Rifle Regiment
1923-03-XX 1924-04-XX Commanding Officer 10th Rifle Regiment
1924-04-XX 1925-06-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 5th Rifle Division
1925-06-XX 1927-07-XX Commanding Officer 29th Rifle Division
1927-07-XX 1927-08-XX At disposal of the Main Directorate of the Red Army
1927-08-XX Commanding Officer 29th Rifle Division
1927-08-XX 1931-XX-XX In reserve
1932-06-XX 1933-11-XX Deputy Head of Air Defence & Chemical Protection Leningrad Military District
1933-11-XX 1935-03-XX Head of Specialized Technical Department, Training & Refreshment Command Course Air Defence Forces
1935-03-XX 1935-08-XX At disposal of the Command & Staff Directorate
1935-08-XX 1937-05-XX Head of Leningrad Training Center for Reserve Officers
1937-05-XX 1939-08-18 Head of Leningrad Advanced Training Course for Reserve Officers
1939-08-19 1940-04-27 Commanding Officer 142nd Rifle Division
1940-04-XX 1941-XX-XX Commanding Officer XXXVI Rifle Corps
1941-05-25 1941-08-06 Commanding Officer 23rd Army
1941-08-05 1941-09-01 Commanding Officer 8th Army
1941-12-13 1941-12-28 Commanding Officer Neva Operational Group
1941-12-13 1941-12-28 Commanding Officer 3rd Army
1941-12-28 Killed in Action
Picture source: Courtesy of Anonymous