The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Thomas Wynford Rees

Rees, Thomas Wynford


* 12th of January 1898

† 15th of October 1959

(6th Rajputana Rifles)

(Indian Army)

Nickname: Pete

Nickname: The Docker

Nickname: General Sahip Bahadur

Nickname: Napoleon


1937-12-10 Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-07-07 Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-06-01 Acting Colonel
1940-12-01 Temporary Colonel
1941-03-21 Acting Brigadier
1941-09-21 Temporary Brigadier
1942-03-30 Acting Major-General
1943-03-16 Colonel (Dated back to 1940-12-10)
1944-03-06 Temporary Major-General
1947-01-01 Major-General


1937-01-25 1938-01-31 General Staff Officer 2, Waziristan District [India]
1938-XX-XX 1939-XX-XX Second-in-Command 5th Battalion, 6th Rajputana Rifles
1939-07-07 Officiating Commanding Officer 3rd Battalion, 6th Rajputana Rifles
1939-07-07 Commanding Officer 3rd Battalion, 6th Rajputana Rifles
1940-06-01 1941-03-20 General Staff Officer 1, 4th Indian Infantry Division
1941-03-21 1942-03-29 Commanding Officer 10th Indian Infantry Brigade [Sudan]
1942-03-30 1942-06-21 General Officer Commanding 10th Indian Infantry Division [Middle East - North Africa]
1942-10-XX 1945-12-22 General Officer Commanding 19th Indian Infantry Division [Burma]
1945-12-XX 1947-07-XX General Officer Commanding 4th Indian Infantry Division
1947-07-XX 1947-09-XX General Officer Commanding Punjab Boundary Force [India]
1947-XX-XX Head Military Emergency Staff to Emergency Committee of Cabinet [India]
1948-07-19 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Anonymous