The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of General Brian Hubert Robertson

Robertson, Brian Hubert


* 22nd of July 1896

† 29th of April 1974

(Royal Engineers)

Nickname: Baronet of Welbourn

Nickname: Baron Robertson of Oakrigde


1940-02-01 Lieutenant-Colonel (South African Army)
1943-01-28 Acting Major-General
1944-01-28 War Substantive Colonel
1944-01-28 Temporary Major-General
1944-12-16 Acting Lieutenant-General
1945-10-30 Major-General (Dated back to 1941-11-17)
1946-05-01 Lieutenant-General (Dated back to 1944-09-12)
1947-11-17 General (Dated back to 1946-10-03)


1940-XX-XX 1941-XX-XX Assistant Quartermaster-General, East African Command
1941-XX-XX 1942-XX-XX Assistant Quartermaster-General, 8th Army [North Africa]
1942-06-28 1943-01-27 Deputy Adjutant & Quartermaster-General, 8th Army [North Africa]
1943-01-28 1943-07-17 General Officer Commanding Tripolitania Base [North Africa]
1943-07-18 1943-10-11 General Officer Commanding Fortbase (Forward Tripolitania Base) [Sicily]
1943-10-12 1944-03-09 Deputy Chief Administration Officer, Advanced Administrative Echelon, Allied Force Headquarters
1943-10-12 1944-01-11 Chief Administration Officer, 15th Army Group [Italy]
1944-01-11 1944-01-18 Chief Administration Officer, Allied Armies Italy
1944-01-18 1944-03-09 Chief Administration Officer, Allied Central Mediterranean Force
1944-03-09 1944-12-16 Chief Administration Officer, Allied Armies Italy
1944-12-16 Chief Administration Officer, Allied Force Headquarters
1945-XX-XX 1947-XX-XX Chief Central Commission Germany
1945-08-XX 1946-05-XX Chief of Staff, British Forces in Germany
1945-08-XX 1947-10-21 Deputy Military-Governor og the British Zone Germany
1946-05-XX 1947-10-31 Deputy Commander in Chief British Forces in Germany
1947-11-01 1949-09-29 Commander in Chief British Forces in Germany
1947-11-01 1949-09-29 Military-Governor of the British Zone in Germany
1947-11-01 1949-09-29 Member of the Allied Control Council for Germany
1949-06-27 1952-02-06 Aide-de-Camp General to the King
1949-09-29 1950-06-23 British High Commissioner Allied High Commission Germany
1950-07-25 1953-04-10 Commander in Chief Middle East Land Forces
1950-10-11 1960-10-10 Colonel-Commandant, Royal Engineers
1951-02-04 1961-02-04 Colonel-Commandant, Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers
1952-02-06 1952-06-27 Aide-de-Camp General to the Queen
1953-11-10 Retired
1956-08-06 1965-07-15 Honorary Colonel, Transportation Units, Army Emergency Reserve of Officers
1961-07-27 1967-03-31 Honorary Colonel, Engineer & Railway Staff Corps, Territorial Army
1965-07-15 1966-06-22 Honorary Colonel, Railway and Port Units, Army Emergency Reserve of Officers
1967-04-01 1970-07-22 Honorary Colonel, Engineer & Railway Staff Corps
Picture source: NPG x159957, National Portrait Gallery, London