The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Camille-Ange-Gabriel Sabattier

Sabattier, Camille-Ange-Gabriel


* 2nd of August 1892

† 22nd of May 1966


1934-03-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1938-09-25 Colonel
1942-02-20 Brigadier-General
1945-04-12 Temporary Major-General (Dated back to 1945-02-20)
1945-09-01 Major-General (Dated back to 1945-02-20)


1934-05-XX 1938-XX-XX Military Attaché to China
1939-09-02 1940-01-23 Commanding Officer 21st Colonial Infantry Regiment
1940-01-23 1940-02-08 In reserve, 2nd Army
1940-02-08 1940-07-21 Chief of Staff, XXIII Corps
1940-07-21 1940-08-23 Commanding Officer District Puy
1940-08-23 1941-05-XX Commanding Officer Infantry, Cochinchina-Cambodia Division [Indochina]
1941-05-XX 1944-07-23 Commanding Officer Cochinchina Group [Indochina]
1944-07-23 1945-03-09 General Officer Commanding Division Tonkin [Indochina]
1945-03-09 1945-06-11 Delegate-General to Indochina
1945-09-14 1946-05-15 At disposal
1946-05-15 1946-09-12 On leave
1946-09-12 1947-03-26 At disposal
1947-03-26 1949-06-28 Assistant Chief for Colonial Propaganda & Engagements, Army General Staff
1947-07-01 1947-12-31 Member of the Supreme War Council
1949-06-28 1951-08-02 At disposal of the Minister for Overseas France
1951-08-02 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Anonymous