The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of Colonel-General Rudolf Schmidt

Schmidt, Rudolf


* 12th of May 1886

† 21st of January 1957


1931-04-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1933-10-01 Colonel
1936-10-01 Major-General
1938-06-01 Lieutenant-General
1940-06-01 General of Panzer Troops
1942-01-01 Colonel-General


1931-06-01 1932-07-01 Chief of Staff, Inspectorate of Signal Troops
1932-07-01 1934-08-15 Chief of Officer Courses, Berlin
1934-08-15 1934-10-01 Commanding Officer 13th Infantry Regiment
1934-10-01 1935-07-01 Commanding Officer Infantry Regiment Ludwigsburg
1935-07-01 1935-11-01 attached to the Ministry of War
1935-11-01 1937-10-01 Senior Quartermaster II, Army General Staff, Army High Command OKH
1937-10-01 1940-02-01 General Officer Commanding 1st Panzer Division [Poland]
1940-02-01 1941-11-15 General Officer Commanding XXXIX Panzer Corps [Eastern Front]
1941-11-15 1942-01-15 Temporary General Officer Commanding 2nd Army [Eastern Front]
1941-12-26 1942-01-01 Acting General Officer Commanding 2nd Panzer Army [Eastern Front]
1942-01-01 1943-07-10 General Officer Commanding 2nd Panzer Army [Eastern Front]
1943-07-10 1943-09-30 Unemployed
1943-09-30 Retired
1947-12-25 1952-02-04 Arrested, Soviet Captivity
1952-02-04 Condemned to 25 years imprisonment by a Soviet Military Court as war criminal
1956-01-07 Released