The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Ronald MacKenzie Scobie

Scobie, Ronald MacKenzie


* 8th of June 1893

† 23rd of February 1969

(Royal Engineers)


1932-12-30 Local Lieutenant-Colonel
1934-01-01 Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel
1935-01-22 Reverted to Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-01-07 Lieutenant-Colonel
1938-01-18 Colonel (Dated back to 1937-01-01)
1939-09-01 Temporary Brigadier
1940-08-08 Reverted to Colonel
1940-08-18 Local Brigadier
1941-10-17 Acting Major-General
1942-04-10 Major-General (Dated back to 1941-11-08)
1943-03-22 Acting Lieutenant-General
1944-03-22 Temporary Lieutenant-General
1947-06-18 Granted the honorary rank of Lieutenant-General


1932-12-30 1935-01-22 Director of Military Art, Royal Military College Sandhurst
1938-01-18 1939-08-31 Assistant Adjutant-General, War Office
1939-09-01 1940-05-08 Deputy Director of Mobilisation, War Office
1940-05-09 1940-08-08 Deputy Adjutant-General, Middle East Command
1940-08-18 1941-10-16 Brigadier General Staff, British Troops in Sudan
1941-10-10 1942-02-10 General Officer Commanding 70th Infantry Division [North Africa - Middle East]
1941-10-22 1941-12-13 Commandant of Tobruk Fortress
1942-02-17 1942-08-05 Deputy Adjutant-General, Middle East Command
1942-08-06 1943-03-27 General Officer Commanding Troops Malta
1943-03-22 1943-05-21 Chief of Staff, Middle East Command
1943-12-21 1946-03-12 General Officer Commanding III Corps [Greece]
1944-12-17 1946-XX-XX General Officer Commanding British Troops in Greece
1947-06-18 Retired
1951-03-19 1958-06-08 Colonel-Commandant, Royal Engineers
1951-08-03 1954-08-02 Lieutenant of the Tower of London
Picture source: Courtesy of Paul Godley