The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Ivan Vasilevich Selivanov

Selivanov, Ivan Vasilevich


* 7th of November 1886

† 23rd of February 1942

(Иван Васильевич Селиванов)


1935-11-26 Kombrig
1939-04-25 Komdiv
1940-06-04 Lieutenant-General


1919-04-XX 1921-12-XX Commanding Officer 33rd Rifle Regiment
1921-12-XX 1923-08-XX Attending the Frunze Military Academy
1923-08-XX 1924-10-XX Commanding Officer 1st Cavalry Brigade
1924-10-XX 1925-08-XX Attending the Senior Commanders' Advanced Training Course
1925-08-XX 1927-05-XX Commanding Officer 1st Cavalry Brigade
1927-05-XX 1930-05-XX Commanding Officer 3rd Cavalry Brigade
1930-05-XX 1931-10-XX Commanding Officer 9th Separate Cavalry Brigade
1930-05-XX 1931-10-XX Military Commissar, 9th Separate Cavalry Brigade
1931-10-XX 1933-08-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1933-08-XX 1934-07-XX Commanding Officer 6th Cavalry Division
1933-08-XX 1934-07-XX Military Commissar, 6th Cavalry Division
1934-07-XX 1935-01-XX At disposal of the Command & Staff Directorate
1935-01-XX 1939-08-19 Commanding Officer 19th Mountain Cavalry Division
1939-08-19 1941-08-11 Commanding Officer XXX Rifle Corps
1941-09-01 1941-11-14 Commanding Officer 83rd Cavalry Division
1941-11-22 1942-02-23 Arrested
1942-02-23 Condemned to death and executed as traitor
1954-09-04 Rehabilitated
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