The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Rodion Nikanorovich Shabalin

Shabalin, Rodion Nikanorovich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 23rd of November 1895

† 11th of October 1942

(Родион Никанорович Шабалин)


1938-04-17 Colonel
1942-10-01 Major-General of Tank Troops


1935-10-XX 1940-08-08 Commanding Officer Tank Forces, X Rifle Corps
1940-08-08 1941-10-21 Commandant of Ulianovsk Tank School
1941-10-21 1941-12-25 Commanding Officer Tank Forces, Volga Military District 25.12.41-14.01.42: Commanding Officer 422nd Rifle Division
1942-01-14 1942-01-26 Commanding Officer 397th Rifle Division
1942-01-26 1942-03-18 At disposal of the Main Tank Directorate
1942-03-18 1942-05-10 Commanding Officer 120th Tank Brigade
1942-05-19 1943-06-XX Commanding Officer 101st Tank Brigade
1942-06-XX 1942-09-12 Deputy Commanding Officer for Tank Forces, 31st Army
1942-09-12 1942-10-11 Wounded and hospitalised
1942-10-11 Died of his wounds
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