The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Nikolai Nikolaevich Shvarts

Shvarts, Nikolai Nikolaevich


* 14th of February 1882

† 4th of October 1944

(Николай Николаевич Шварц)


1916-XX-XX Lieutenant-Colonel (Dated back to 1915-03-25) (Imperial Army)
1917-08-15 Colonel (Imperial Army)
1935-12-05 Komdiv
1940-06-04 Major-General
1943-08-29 Lieutenant-General


1916-07-12 1917-07-XX Chief of ? Branch, General-Quartermaster Section, Western Front
1917-07-XX 1917-12-XX Acting Chief of Staff, 44th Infantry Division
1918-01-XX 1918-03-XX Chief of 1st Intelligence Office, Intelligence Section, 2nd General-Quartermaster, Main Directorate, General Staff
1918-03-XX Joins the Red Army
1918-05-08 1918-10-XX Chief of Intelligence Branch, Military Statistical Section, Operations Directorate, General Staff
1918-10-XX Chief of Operations Section, Eastern Front
Assistant Chief of Staff, Caucasian Front
1920-02-25 Chief of Operations Section, Southwestern Front
1920-02-25 1920-09-30 Chief of Staff, Western Front
1921-09-09 1921-12-06 Arrested
1921-12-06 Released
1921-12-XX 1923-08-XX Instructor at the Military Academy of the Red Army
1923-08-XX 1925-XX-XX Head of Eastern Department, Military Academy of the Red Army
1925-XX-XX 1936-XX-XX Head of Eastern Department, Frunze Military Academy
1936-XX-XX Senior Instructor at the Military of the General Staff
1944-10-04 Deputy Head of Strategy Department, Military Academy of the General Staff
1944-10-04 Died of illness
Picture source:Шварц_Н.Н.jpeg