The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Ilia Kornilovich Smirnov

Smirnov, Ilia Kornilovich


* 30th of July 1887

† 28th of June 1964

(Илья Корнилович Смирнов)


1935-11-26 Komdiv
1937-12-31 Komkor
1940-06-04 Lieutenant-General


1925-09-XX 1926-12-XX Commandant of Saratovsk Infantry School
1926-12-XX 1929-10-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 1st Rifle Division
1929-10-XX 1930-09-XX Commanding Officer 22nd Rifle Division
1931-03-XX 1932-12-XX Commanding Officer 22nd Rifle Division
1935-01-XX 1937-06-XX Commanding Officer 43rd Rifle Division
1937-06-XX 1938-04-XX Member of the Military Council, Kiev Military District
1938-04-XX 1940-04-10 Commander in Chief Kharkov Military District
1940-04-XX 1940-07-XX Deputy Inspector-General of Infantry
1940-07-XX 1941-08-XX Head of Higher Military Schools Directorate
1941-08-XX 1942-02-12 Deputy Commander in Chief Southern Front
1942-02-12 1942-04-25 Commanding Officer 18th Army
1942-04-25 1942-05-12 At disposal of the Southwestern Theatre
1942-05-12 1942-07-15 Commanding Officer 24th Army
1942-09-XX 1942-10-28 At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate, People's Commissariat of Defence NKO
1942-10-28 1942-12-17 Deputy Commander of Chief for Rear Service Kalinin Front
1942-12-17 1943-09-XX Deputy Commander in Chief Northwestern Front
1943-09-XX 1943-XX-XX Deputy Commander in Chief Steppe Front
1944-02-03 1944-02-22 Commanding Officer 4th Guards Army
1944-05-16 1945-07-09 Commander in Chief Lvov Military District
1945-07-09 1946-05-07 Commander in Chief Gorki Military District
1946-10-XX 1953-05-XX Deputy Commander in Chief Moscow Military District
1953-05-XX Retired
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