The Generals of WWII

Generals from Australia Flag for Australia
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Victor Paul Hildebrand Stantke

Stantke, Victor Paul Hildebrand


* 15th of August 1886

† 29th of May 1967


1934-08-01 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1935-05-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-10-13 Temporary Brigadier
1939-11-02 Colonel


1933-07-01 1936-03-02 Director of Organization & Personnel Services, Army Headquarters
1933-07-01 1936-03-02 Director of Movements, Army Headquarters
1936-03-03 1937-07-26 training Abroad [Great Britain]
1936-05-04 1937-07-18 Attending the Senior Officer's School Sheerness [Great Britain]
1937-08-16 1939-03-21 Assistant Adjutant & Quartermaster-General, Field Troops, 4th Military District
1937-08-16 1939-03-21 Instructional Group Commander, Field Troops, 4th Military District
1939-03-22 1939-10-12 Assistant Adjutant & Quartermaster-General, 2nd District Base
1939-03-22 1939-10-12 Instructional Group Commander, 2nd District Base
1939-10-13 1940-07-31 Brigadier in Charge of Administration, Eastern Command
1939-12-01 Aide-de-Camp to the Governor-General
1940-08-01 1943-02-08 Adjutant-General, Army Headquarters
1943-08-19 1946-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Queensland Lines of Communication
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