The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Fumio Tsuboshima

Tsuboshima, Fumio


* 30th of January 1893

† 6th of July 1959


(つぼしま ふみお)


1937-11-01 Colonel
1940-12-02 Major-General
1944-03-01 Lieutenant-General


1936-12-01 1937-08-15 Instructor at the War College
1937-08-15 1939-02-21 Attached to the General Staff
1939-02-21 1940-10-01 Commanding Officer 13th Infantry Regiment
1940-10-01 1941-09-01 Commandant of Non-commissioned Officers' School
1941-09-01 1945-04-01 Aide-de-Camp to the Emperor
1945-04-01 1945-09-02 General Officer Commanding 146th Division
1945-11-22 1945-12-01 Head of Prisoner of War Investigation Bureau
1945-12-01 1946-04-30 Head of Prisoner of War Investigation Bureau, Ministry of Demobilization