The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Ivan Mikhailovich Viktorov

Viktorov, Ivan Mikhailovich


* 5th of January 1899

† 8th of June 1980

(Иван Михайлович Викторов)


1939-11-04 Kombrig
1942-08-04 Major-General


1937-01-XX 1937-06-XX Chief of 1st Section, II Rifle Corps
1937-06-XX 1938-07-26 Chief of Staff, 43rd Rifle Division 26.07.38-15.09.39: Chief of Staff, Bobruisk Army Group of Forces
1939-09-15 1940-08-08 Chief of Staff, 4th Army
1940-08-08 1940-11-XX Senior Instructor at Frunze Military Academy
1940-11-XX 1942-01-XX Senior Instructor at Military Academy of the General Staff
1942-01-XX 1942-03-05 Chief of Operations Section, 52nd Army
1942-03-05 1942-06-17 Chief of Staff, 52nd Army
1942-06-17 1944-06-05 Chief of Staff, 54th Army
1944-04-04 1944-04-18 Acting Commanding Officer CXIX Rifle Corps
1944-07-XX 1944-07-27 Deputy Commanding Officer 67th Army
1944-07-27 1945-03-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 1st Shock Army
1945-03-XX 1945-XX-XX Acting Commanding Officer CXXIII Rifle Corps
1946-01-XX 1947-04-XX Senior Instructor at the Military Academy of the General Staff
1947-04-XX 1948-10-XX Chief of 2nd Section, War Experience Directorate, General Staff
1948-10-XX 1950-07-XX Head of Military Geography Department, Military Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs MVD
1950-07-XX 1951-07-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1951-07-XX 1952-01-XX At disposal of the Ministry of State Security MGB
1952-01-XX Retired