The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Pavel Mikhailovich Volosatykh

Volosatykh, Pavel Mikhailovich


* 15th of December 1897

† 19th of December 1956

(Павел Михайлович Волосатых)


1944-05-16 Major-General


1939-11-XX 1940-06-XX Commanding Officer 236th Rifle Regiment
1940-06-XX 1941-05-XX Commanding Officer Battalion, Akhtyrksk Reserve Commanders' Advanced Training Course
1941-05-XX 1941-09-XX Instructor at Ordzhonikidsevsk Military Signal School
1941-09-XX 1941-12-10 Commanding Officer 337th Rifle Regiment
1941-12-10 1942-02-09 Commanding Officer 335th Rifle Division
1942-02-19 Condemned to 8 years fronline duty and to the command of a regiment
1942-04-XX 1942-06-XX Commanding Officer 674th Rifle Regiment
1942-06-XX 1943-06-11 Commanding Officer 1118th Rifle Regiment
1943-06-11 1944-04-16 Commanding Officer 263rd Rifle Division
1944-04-16 1944-08-29 Commanding Officer 33rd Guards Rifle Division
1944-08-30 1944-09-09 Attached to 1st Baltic Front
1944-09-09 1945-01-02 Deputy Commanding Officer XXXX Rifle Corps
1945-01-02 1945-03-16 Hospitalised and convalescing
1945-04-XX 1946-03-XX Deputy Commanding Officer XXXX Rifle Corps
1946-03-XX 1947-04-XX Commanding Officer 129th Rifle Division
1947-04-XX 1950-12-22 Deputy Commanding Officer 66th Guards Rifle Division
1950-12-22 Retired
Picture source:Волосатых,_Павел_Михайлович