The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Marshal of Engineers Mikhail Petrovich Vorobev

Vorobev, Mikhail Petrovich

Marshal of Engineers

* 29th of December 1896

† 12th of June 1957

(Михаил Петрович Воробьев)


1939-11-29 Kombrig
1940-06-04 Major-General of Engineers
1943-03-29 Lieutenant-General of Engineers
1943-09-16 Colonel-General of Engineers
1944-02-21 Marshal of Engineers


1932-07-XX 1936-07-XX Head of Weapons Engineering Department, Military Engineering Academy
1936-07-XX 1940-07-26 Commandant of Leningrad Military Engineering School
1940-07-26 1941-06-XX Inspector-General of Engineers
1941-06-XX 1942-04-16 Commanding Officer Engineers, Western Front
1941-12-XX 1942-02-21 Commanding Officer 1st Engineering Army
1942-04-16 1952-05-XX Commander in Chief of Engineers
1952-05-XX 1954-12-XX Commanding Officer Engineers, Kiev Military District
1954-12-XX 1956-05-XX Head of Construction & Quartering Troops, Ministry of Defence
1956-05-XX 1957-06-12 Assistant Commander in Chief for Construction & Quartering, Baltic Military District
Picture source:Воробьёв,_Михаил_Петрович