The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of General Maxime Weygand

Weygand, Maxime


* 23rd of January 1867

† 28th of January 1965


1912-07-24 Lieutenant-Colonel
1914-09-21 Temporary Colonel
1914-11-01 Colonel
1916-08-08 Brigadier-General
1917-11-29 Temporary Major-General
1918-06-26 Major-General
1920-10-29 Lieutenant-General
1923-04-19 General


1912-07-24 1914-08-29 Attached to 5th hussars Regiment
1914-08-29 1914-09-05 Chief of Staff, Army Detachment Foch
1914-09-05 1914-10-04 Chief of Staff, 9th Army
1914-10-04 1915-06-13 Chief of Staff, Northern Provisional Group
1915-06-13 1916-12-27 Chief of Staff, Northern Army Group
1917-01-21 1917-03-31 Chief of Staff, Group Foch
1917-11-29 1918-04-10 French military Representative to the Supreme Allied War Council
1918-03-26 1920-01-10 Chief of Staff, Allied Armies in France
1920-01-10 1923-04-19 Chief of Staff to the President of the Allied Military Committee at Versailles
1920-XX-XX 1921-XX-XX Head French Military Mission to Poland
1923-04-19 1924-11-29 General Officer Commander in Chief Levant
1923-04-19 1924-11-29 High Commissioner in Syria
1924-05-31 1931-02-09 Member of the Supreme War Council
1924-12-02 1930-01-02 Director of the Centre des Hautes Études Militaires
1930-01-02 1931-02-09 Chief of the Army General Staff
1931-02-09 1935-01-21 Vice President of Supreme War Council
1931-02-09 1935-01-21 Inspector-General of the Army
1935-01-21 1939-09-02 Unemployed
1939-09-02 1940-05-19 Commander in Chief Orient Theatre of Operations
1940-05-19 1940-06-22 Commander in Chief Allied Forces in France
1940-05-19 1940-09-06 Commander in Chief of the Land Forces
1940-06-17 1940-07-12 Minister of National Defence
1940-06-22 1940-09-06 Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces
1940-07-12 1940-09-06 Minister of War
1940-10-03 1941-11-18 Delegate-General of the Government to French Africa
1941-07-15 1941-11-18 Governor-General of Algeria
1942-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Prisoner of War
Picture source: From "Den anden verdenskrig" by Winston S. Churchill, 1952