The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Harry Willans

Willans, Harry


* 30th of December 1892

† 5th of February 1943

(Territorial Army)


1933-02-16 Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-02-16 Brevet Colonel
1938-05-31 Colonel (Dated back to 1937-02-16)
1938-05-31 Temporary Brigadier
1939-08-24 Maor-General


1933-02-16 1938-05-30 Commanding Officer Artist Rifles
1938-05-31 1939-08-23 Commanding Officer 2nd Infantry Brigade
1939-08-24 1940-11-21 General Officer Commanding 2nd London Division
1940-11-21 1940-11-29 General Officer Commanding 47th Infantry Division
1940-12-01 1943-02-05 Director-General of Welfare & Education, War Office
1943-02-05 Killed in an air crash
Picture source: Courtesy of Paul Godley