The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Colonel-General of Tank Troops Vladimir Ivanovich Zhdanov

Zhdanov, Vladimir Ivanovich

Colonel-General of Tank Troops

* 29th of April 1902

† 19th of October 1964

(Владимир Иванович Жданов)


1942-03-12 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-10-20 Colonel
1943-06-07 Major-General of Tank Troops
1944-09-13 Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops
1963-04-13 Colonel-General of Tank Troops 03.06.41-00.12.41: Deputy Commandant Syzransk Tank School


1941-12-XX 1942-05-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1942-05-19 1943-01-09 Chief of Staff, XIII Tank Corps
1942-07-01 1942-07-17 Acting Commanding Officer XIII Tank Corps
1943-01-09 1944-04-19 Chief of Staff, IV Guards Mechanised Corps
1943-10-25 1944-01-27 Acting Commanding Officer IV Guards Mechanised Corps
1944-04-19 1946-07-27 Commanding Officer IV Guards Mechanised Corps
1946-07-27 1947-06-24 Commanding Officer 5th Guards Mechanised Division
1947-06-24 1949-04-30 Commanding Officer 6th Guards Mechanised Army
1949-04-30 1950-12-29 Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1951-03-30 1953-06-10 Deputy Commander in Chief Far Eastern Military District
1951-03-30 1953-06-10 Chief of Staff, Far Eastern Military District
1953-06-10 1953-08-12 At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1953-08-12 1954-04-16 Assistant Commander in Chief Southern Ural Military District
1954-04-16 1955-09-29 Assistant Commander in Chief Central Group of Forces
1954-07-24 1955-09-29 Chief of Combat Training Section, Central Group of Forces
1955-09-29 1961-10-03 Deputy Commander in Chief Transbaikal Military District
1958-08-15 1961-10-03 Member of the Military Council, Transbaikal Military District
1961-10-03 1964-06-23 Senior Military Adviser to the East German Army
1964-06-23 1964-10-19 Commandant of the Military Academy of Tank Forces
1964-10-19 Killed in an Air Crash
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